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Poetry Issues

poetry issues
poetry issues






Read the latest poetry issue (#29)!



Poetry Issues is a poetry and visual art project that began in 2016. Until the end of 2019 a small pamphlet of five to six poems was being printed along an online publication on a monthly (issues 1-12) or bimonthly basis (issue 13-21), with a drawing accompanying the pieces, and was distributed in several European cities, starting from The Hague and reaching regularly Leiden, Malmö and Lund, and occasionally Liverpool, Berlin, Prague, Copenhagen and Athens, thanks to the invaluable help of good friends. The project has been the topic of an interview and the pamphlet has also been exhibited


From January 2020 the project changed shape, as every poem came with its dedicated visual art piece. Printed materials were handed out again – this time not in the form of pamphlets but as postcards – and up to #26 (December 2022) the issues came out as a bundle of five poems and five visual works. 


The project has been increasingly growing and changing: The use of diverse publishing formats and much experimentation, the addition of new dimensions such as audio and video in #26 (2022), the gradually growing integration of text and image, the desire to go further with assemblage and object creation demand that every individual piece has enough time and space to grow. Therefore, from 2023 onward poetry issues becomes a journal and a bulletin for single, separate works.

Here you can read poetry issues #26,#27 and #28.






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Sunday, 14 July 2024 10:21
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